Are You Ready For A Music Career Coach?
Are You Ready For a Music Career Coach?
Or do you find yourself asking, “Do I really need a coach to succeed in my music business?”
The short answer is you don’t “NEED” to do anything you don’t want to do; however, you may WANT to create a team and support system around your music career to provide guidance, clarity, counsel, and encouragement.
You do NOT have to go this road alone and the truth is... you'll achieve your goals a heck of a lot faster when you have a coach to clear the path for you. Even Coaches have Coaches!
There is always something to learn, especially in an industry like the music industry that is ever-evolving and shapeshifting.
Start by identifying areas where you struggle in your day-to-day or areas that clearly need growth and development:
Is it always a mad scramble for you to get things done?
Are you lousy at execution?
Are your marketing skills subpar?
Do you have an efficient communication system and social media plan in place to increase fan engagement?
Are you converting your music fans and social media followers into actual music supporters who pay for your music, merch, and other awesome opportunities you provide for them to take advantage of?
Here are 3 Ways A Coach Can Be A Huge Asset To Your Career:
#1: A Coach Can Literally Change The Trajectory of Your Career
After I wrote my first book, Performing Artist Pathway, I knew I wanted to get it in the hands of more independent artists and leverage it to create a consulting business that would support them at the highest level.
Although I had a bootstrapping small business education as a restaurant owner, I still needed to level up my own online business knowledge, so I could bring massive value to others in their music careers!
I realized as a vocal and performance coach at the time, that I was offering so much more to my clients, but there was a ceiling on what I could offer with vocal coaching alone.
So what did I do? I took an online business course and I hired an online business coach. I also took several trips to visit my business mentor in New Mexico to get guidance from her.
The coaching, mentoring, and education I received were a game-changer for me. It provided accountability, expertise outside of my own, and confidence as I took action towards a clear plan to reach more artists. It also enabled me to think creatively outside of the box and conceptualize additional avenues to serve my clients.
This Quiz is For You If…
✔ You Love To Sing and Dream of a Career in Music, but don’t know where to start.
✔ You’re Committed To Creating a Career as an Indie Musician, and are ready to find creative ways to expand your music impact.
✔ You’re a Singer at your core, but life got in the way and you’re ready to reconnect to your music dream!
#2: A Coach Can Lead To Opportunities
Having a coach gives you access to the support you need to succeed, and also helps you expand your network!
If you ever heard the phrase, “it’s about who you know,” and wondered if it was a bunch of bull - I’m here to tell you, it’s not! It may not be EVERYTHING, but the industry contacts you surround yourself 100% lead to new opportunities.
A coach can help position you with a local community of artists and talented industry experts. They can educate and open up doors to creative performance and revenue-generating opportunities and they can carve out a clear path, designed intentionally for you to reach your goals.
A good coach will also help you take a holistic approach to your career and see that your personal and professional life is ALL CONNECTED. Your priorities must all align for the magic to happen.
“Everyone needs a coach.
It doesn’t matter whether you’re a basketball player, a tennis player, a gymnast or a bridge player.”
Tip #3: A Coach Can Keep You Motivated & Accountable
Sticking to your word, even when your dreams are on the line, is not always easy.
Despite your new year's resolutions or the promises you make to songwrite daily or post consistently on social media, the grind can get tiresome. The struggle is real.
First off, you are not alone. If pursuing dreams and building businesses were easy, everyone would do it.
Secondly, try not to compare your journey to those around you. Every artist has a different path to forge and there is no cookie-cutter way to achieving music career success.
Hiring a Coach or Consultant gives you outside expertise and guidance, so you can stay accountable to your goals, increase your efficiency and productivity, and stay motivated when the going gets tough.
With the right coach, you’ll get to your destination quicker and feel amazing as you crush each stepping stone along the way.
If you want to create a thriving music business, this truth will set you free: there's a coach behind all the greatest athletes, business owners, and famous faces, so why wouldn't you invest in your music future?
So, what are your next best steps towards the career of your dreams?
IGNITE is a GREAT place to start.
If you’re at a spot in your music career where you’re ready to get some outside strategy support to break through the wall and level up, I’d love to invite you to check out my Private Coaching Membership group, IGNITE!
I believe private coaching is the quickest path to achieving your music career goals and IGNITE is designed to help motivate you and provide a clear path with actionable steps every month, at a budget you can afford!
As a dedicated coach “in your pocket,” you’ll meet with me one to one inside our private coaching session every month, and you’ll also have access to a personalized membership portal full of resources, coaching support, and on-demand trainings.
Coaching fosters self-belief and confidence and creates a clear path to getting making a career in music REAL. It's time to gain clarity through action and give yourself PERMISSION to pursue your passions!
IGNITE Monthly
Coaching Membership
So to recap on 3 Ways A Coach Can Be A Huge Asset To Your Career:
A Coach Can Literally Change The Trajectory of Your Career
A Coach Can Lead To Opportunities
A Coach Can Keep You Motivated & Accountable
You have Permission to Pursue Your Passions! Claim Your Music Dreams Today!
Rooting for you always!

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Brianna Ruelas is a Dallas Based Strategy Consultant for Performing Artists, Reality TV Music Coach, Singer-Songwriter and Best Selling Author to Make Reality TV Your Reality: Crush Your Reality Singing Show Audition & Ignite Your Music Career. Most recently, Brianna produced the one and only, Reality Singing Show Summit. As a singer and performer for thirty years, Brianna has studied internationally and performed all genres, from jazz to rock to pop, received a BA in Theatre Arts from Pepperdine University, and spent years honing her musical theatre chops. After graduating college, Brianna departed from the theatre to pursue music as a solo artist and also worked as a commercial voiceover actor. Brianna has fronted her own rock band and experienced the reality television craze in its early days, as a Top 100 finalist on American Idol, Season 4. Brianna's expertise and background as a Singer/Songwriter, Vocal & Performance Coach and Small Business Owner, led her to mentor and consult with indie artists and bands, to help them realize successful careers in music. She is passionate about encouraging others on their journey and aligning them with the Big Picture of their Music Business! Seeking solutions is part of Brianna's DNA. Brianna is a proud Wife and Mother, loves to travel and road trip with her family, while cheering on the Los Angeles Dodger. Think Blue! Follow her on Instagram & Facebook @briannaruelasmusic |
PS: Got an Audition coming up? Schedule your Audition Power Pack TODAY, and spend three full private sessions online prepping for your next reality singing show audition. Inside these value-packed sessions, you’ll:
Get Clear On The Perfect Song Choice To Make You Shine
Craft Your Compelling Brand Story to Pitch with Your Authentic Voice
Level Up Through Performance Support & Feedback On Your Audition Material
Working with a coach is the quickest way to achieve the results you’re after! 💜 Contact me today or head over to my scheduling site to schedule a single session today.
✔ Brianna’s 3-phase blueprint to slay your reality singing show experience from start to finish
✔ “Boss In The Making” Strategies that will help you leverage the reality singing show platform as a launchpad for your music career.
✔ Insight and top tips from past reality singing competition contestants and music industry professionals, so you can know what to expect.
✔ QR Code Technology that will make this book an interactive experience between you and Brianna.
Follow Brianna on Instagram or Facebook @briannaruelasmusic and TAKE HER BRAND NEW QUIZ today and find out if have what it takes to WIN a Reality Singing Show!