5 Mental Health Tips On The Road To a Successful Music Career
May is Mental Health Awareness Month…
and if you’ve ever had a sliver of desire to audition for a Reality Singing Show Competition, (or wholeheartedly pursue a music career long-term) it’s in your best interest to prioritize your self-care and mental health.
Shows like America’s Got Talent, American Idol, or The Voice are no cakewalk. You can’t fully understand the gravity of these pressure-cookers until you find yourself in the midst of “Lights, Camera, Action!”
Ultimately, a healthy mindset is paramount if you desire a successful and positive reality singing show experience, which is why I’ve dedicated an entire module to it inside the Reality Singing Show Success Academy.
To be clear, success doesn’t always equate to winning. You don't have to WIN the entire competition, to WIN in your music career.
I believe when you position yourself properly to leverage and maximize your opportunities, you can WIN at every level, and mindset is just the beginning.
Your Music Career and your Reality Singing Show Journey are a battlefield, and you must equip yourself for the fight. When you master “Warrior Mode,” you prepare mentally, emotionally, physically, and spiritually to stand strong against the uncontrollables, and flow effortlessly to your destination.
Creating consistent, healthy habits makes all the difference in your life and career and today, you prepare for “battle.” A little dramatic? Perhaps, but I promise you, you DO NOT want to minimize the care of your mind, body, and soul, as you embark on the road less traveled.
I want to start by giving you an overview of the Path To Mastering Warrior Mode. I will dive into each step more specifically, but here’s where we are headed:
The Path To Warrior Mode: 5 Steps Towards a Healthy Mindset and Music Career
#1: Establish Morning Success Rituals
The first step to becoming a warrior of Discipline is to make a choice on how you start each and every day.
I have personally experienced what life is like when I dedicate the time and energy to start my day strong. Conversely, I’ve lived out plenty of seasons in my life, where I wasn’t committed to any sort of daily routine and the results (or lack of) were dismal.
When you’re busy doing all the things an Indie Artist is responsible for, it’s easy to fall prey to overwhelm and anxiety. As a result, it becomes even more important that you take the time to be mindful and present, so you can get the most out of your day.
We are all wired differently, which means there is not a one-size-fits-all for our daily rituals, but I’d like to give you an example of how my morning typically looks.
HUGE DISCLAIMER: I am FULLY aware that not everyone is wired to be up and at ‘em at the crack of dawn, so please know I am not suggesting the only way to be productive is to be a member of the 5 am club.
An example of my morning success ritual:
Wake up at 5 am - Creative Output Time (writing, focussed, uninterrupted, jam out some work time until my daughter's alarms go off at 630am.)
After School Drop Off, around 8 am, I go for a walk or a run, and listen to inspiring music or podcast
Around 9 am, I pray and journal. I circle items that need more prayer. I give thanks for answered (and unanswered) prayers and remind myself to practice gratitude. I ask for help, guidance, and clarity on my path. I am fully aware, that I cannot do LIFE alone and rely on and surrender to a divine power much larger than myself. (by the way, it’s a HUGE relief when I remind myself that I am NOT in control)
After journaling, I give my very best effort to meditate for at least 5 minutes. I’m quiet. I shut out the noise and I open myself up to receive.
I keep my journal handy in hopes to record any awesome spiritual guidance, whispers, nudges, or direction I receive during my meditation.
#2: Commit to Physical Exercise
Did you know that it is scientifically proven that exercise increases our focus, mental fortitude, and concentration? Exercise helps trigger endorphins, which improve the prioritizing functions of the brain.
So, if that's the case? Why do we resist it? Why would we rather lay on the couch or sleep in an extra thirty minutes versus getting our butts moving?
In a world full of distractions, (our phones... social media... relationships...Dodgers baseball) focus is a precious commodity and it's up to us to create it.
Whatever physical exercise looks like for you (yoga, biking, running, walking), carve out time and prioritize it! Your body and mind will thank you for it and by the way, so will your music career!
This Quiz is For You If…
✔ You Love To Sing and Dream of a Career in Music, but don’t know where to start.
✔ You’re Committed To Creating a Career as an Indie Musician, and are ready to find creative ways to expand your music impact.
✔ You’re a Singer at your core, but life got in the way and you’re ready to reconnect to your music dream!
#3: Center Yourself Spiritually
Make your spiritual practice an actual practice! Consistency is key and becoming abundantly aware of the miracles that surround you, will leave you feeling calm and centered throughout your Reality Singing Show journey and beyond!
Slow down long enough to see the BIG PICTURE and open yourself up to receiving amazing things! Need a little guidance? Scroll back up to the example of my daily success rituals and review my 9 am practice.
““We sense love, but we don’t believe in it. We save our faith for fear. But ultimately, there is a quiet voice in each of us that longs for something better.” ”
Tip #4: Nurture Mental Toughness: The Power of 3’s
For years now, I have found immense power in organizing my day to the Power of 3. But why is the number 3 powerful? After digging into a little research, I found that the ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras, taught that numbers carry great significance.
Number 3 was deemed “the perfect number: the number of harmony, wisdom, and understanding.”
Eureka! This solves the mystery! In order to nurture mental toughness and grit, (which every creative must have) I rely on the power of 3 every day:
The 3 D’s: Desire, Determination, Discipline
The 3 P's: Persistence, Perseverance, Patience
My 3 Daily Priority Items (As I set my goals and action plan, I set my 3 priority to-do’s for the quarter, the month, the week, and each day.)
At the end of the day, 3 is simply a number, but I’ve found that Threes work for me!
Tip #5: Daily Habit Tracking
Your morning habits are critical to starting out your day with intention and focus, but how you end your day is equally as important.
Thanks to my good friend, Suz Paulinski of the Rock/Star Advocate, I now end my day tracking three habits. Currently, mine are:
1. Water Drinking
2. Not Yelling at My Kids
3. Meditation.
I also take time to recognize three things I’m grateful for and record my main focus for the next day. It’s an incredible discipline to do this every night before bed, and I’m often not successful, but I certainly try!
If you’re interested in creating some daily success habits of your own, here are a few questions you can answer to get started:
WHAT ARE THREE HABITS I CAN TRACK AT THE END OF EACH DAY? (Drink Water? Work/Life Respect? Exercise?)
IGNITE Monthly
Coaching Membership
So to recap on 5 Steps Towards a Healthy Mindset and Music Career:
Establish Morning Success Rituals
Commit To Physical Exercise
Center Yourself Spiritually
Nurture Mental Toughness: The Power of 3’s
Daily Habit Tracking
Give yourself permission to pursue your passions from an empowered, healthy mental state.
Rooting for you always!

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Brianna Ruelas is a Dallas Based Strategy Consultant for Performing Artists, Reality TV Music Coach, Singer-Songwriter and Best Selling Author to Make Reality TV Your Reality: Crush Your Reality Singing Show Audition & Ignite Your Music Career. Most recently, Brianna produced the one and only, Reality Singing Show Summit. As a singer and performer for thirty years, Brianna has studied internationally and performed all genres, from jazz to rock to pop, received a BA in Theatre Arts from Pepperdine University, and spent years honing her musical theatre chops. After graduating college, Brianna departed from the theatre to pursue music as a solo artist and also worked as a commercial voiceover actor. Brianna has fronted her own rock band and experienced the reality television craze in its early days, as a Top 100 finalist on American Idol, Season 4. Brianna's expertise and background as a Singer/Songwriter, Vocal & Performance Coach and Small Business Owner, led her to mentor and consult with indie artists and bands, to help them realize successful careers in music. She is passionate about encouraging others on their journey and aligning them with the Big Picture of their Music Business! Seeking solutions is part of Brianna's DNA. Brianna is a proud Wife and Mother, loves to travel and road trip with her family, while cheering on the Los Angeles Dodger. Think Blue! Follow her on Instagram & Facebook @briannaruelasmusic |
PS: Got an Audition coming up? Schedule your Audition Power Pack TODAY, and spend three full private sessions online prepping for your next reality singing show audition. Inside these value-packed sessions, you’ll:
Get Clear On The Perfect Song Choice To Make You Shine
Craft Your Compelling Brand Story to Pitch with Your Authentic Voice
Level Up Through Performance Support & Feedback On Your Audition Material
Working with a coach is the quickest way to achieve the results you’re after! 💜 Contact me today or head over to my scheduling site to schedule a single session today.
✔ Brianna’s 3-phase blueprint to slay your reality singing show experience from start to finish
✔ “Boss In The Making” Strategies that will help you leverage the reality singing show platform as a launchpad for your music career.
✔ Insight and top tips from past reality singing competition contestants and music industry professionals, so you can know what to expect.
✔ QR Code Technology that will make this book an interactive experience between you and Brianna.
Follow Brianna on Instagram or Facebook @briannaruelasmusic and take her Quiz her HERE! You can also find her over on Grit Daily News