How Do I Prepare For a Reality Singing Show?
If you’re wondering “How Do I Prepare for a Reality Singing Show?”, navigating all the moving parts can be challenging! Between song choice, what to wear, and how to keep your voice healthy, it’s easy to get overwhelmed.
I highly encourage you to not make the same mistake so many artists make, which is thinking you can sail by on your raw talent alone. You are up against some serious talent and at this stage in the game, the truth of the matter is, you’re all highly talented!
But if you’re wondering how you can get the most out of your reality singing show competition experience, there are some key things to get in place prior to going on the show, so you can maximize your time. Here are…
TIP #1: Set Your Intention Moving Into The Experience, AND START With Why
What is your MOTIVATION? Why are you going on a Reality Singing Show to begin with?
It’s always a good idea to declare your intention for an experience and also identify your expectations. What are you hoping to gain from your participation on a reality singing show?
Do you want a larger platform to get your music and message heard, or a foot inside the music industry door?
Are you looking for an opportunity to grow as a singer and work with top professionals that can help you level up?
Is it to increase your social media followers?
When you make a decision to step out of your comfort zone, pursue a music career or throw your hat in the ring for something as intense as a reality singing show, if you don’t know your WHY, it’s easy to get distracted and overwhelmed.
To be clear, your WHY is the emotional, compelling reason you do what you do. It’s the thing that keeps you in the game when the going gets tough or when the rejection levels are at an all time high.
Establishing your WHY and setting your intention, will ground you as you walk through the highs and lows of your music journey.
✔️ How To Prepare Confidently
Overcome any limiting beliefs that are holding you back from taking the leap!
✔️ How To Present A Cohesive Artist Brand & Choose The Right Song
Learn how to choose songs that authentically align with you, your brand, and your message, and leave casting producers wanting more!
✔️ How To Get Your Music Career Marketing Ducks In A Row
This is MORE than just getting past the Audition. Learn the keys to creating SUSTAINABLE music career success long after the show ends.
TIP #2: Check Your Ego at The Door - RSS’s are Equal Opportunity
Chances are, you fall into one of three categories: The Musician, The Butterfly, or the Comeback Kid
As the Musician, you’re an unsigned independent artist, who’s been gigging for years, releasing music and looking for an opportunity to grow your audience and take it to the next level. You’ve felt a taste of success and you feel like you’ve tried it all. You desire to separate yourself from the noise, but if you’re being honest with yourself, you know you don’t want or need a couple of judges to decide your worth as an artist. Perhaps you’ve auditioned what feels like an infinite number of times, with no luck and you’re ready to explore a new path to success.
As the Butterfly, you’re as green as they come. A bright eyed, newcomer to the music industry, eager to take the world by storm. Perhaps you grew up watching reality singing shows, love to sing and perform and know in your bones, you’re meant for this! Problem is, you have no idea where to start, you don’t even have a social media following, and you question whether you have what it takes to actually make it.
As the Comeback Kid, you’re primed to rise up & show the World what you got…
you just need a little guidance to get your music mojo back! You have experience under your belt, but somewhere along the line, life got in the way, and you fear your music opportunity ship has sailed. Perhaps you’ve allowed self-doubt to creep in and cripple your confidence, yet still hear a little whisper inside telling you, “but wait, you are capable! You can still do this… IF YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF.”
Wherever you fall on the spectrum above, I recommend getting to know each other, because this ride they call a Reality Singing Show, is full of artists just like you, at different ages and stages of the game and there is something you can all learn from each other. Believe it or not, you all have something in common. You all desire to make an impact with your music and create a life doing what you love. You all have an equal opportunity to get cast and create a successful reality singing show experience.
Don’t make the mistake of comparing your experience to others or judging for yourself who is worthy of the competition. When you fall into this trap, you miss an opportunity to perform at your best and squeeze the most juice out of the experience.
TIP #3: Get Your Music Biz Ducks in A Row
You Might Be Thinking. I can figure this out on my own or I already know all of this.
But the truth is if you want to create long term, sustainable success for yourself in the Music Industry, you need to have some key pieces in place BEFORE you go the show!
If you’ve ever taken the time to follow a season of a reality singing show, you’ve watched hundreds of talented artists and singers come and go. They all had an opportunity to get their voice, talent and message in front of millions of eyes and ears, but only a fraction of them did something with that advantage.
The majority of them were never heard from them again.
That’s what I call a MISSED OPPORTUNITY.
Another travesty happens when an incredible contestant hits the stage, and shines like nobody’s business, but when you go to search for them on social media so you can support their journey, they’re undiscoverable.
You type in their name and you come up with crickets because the artist didn’t take the time before they went on the show to create a social media account they could leverage for fan growth.
These missed opportunities happen when artists overlook the importance of getting music business support leading up to their participation on the show. This type of coaching is what will set you up for SUSTAINABLE success LONG AFTER THE SHOW ENDS.
Growth and knowledge are SUSTAINABLE and SOMETHING YOU CAN OWN. When you have accountability, coaching, and support, you can increase your success rate tenfold.
Three Action Items To Kick Off Getting Your Business Ducks in A Row:
Button Up Your Social Accounts to Present a Clear Social Message: Ensure Your Name, Photo and Description are Clearly Represented Across All Platforms.
Establish Web Authority: Have some sort of Website or Landing Page where new fans and followers can learn more about you and connect with you outside of social media.
Create a Communication Plan: Creating an authentic connection with your new followers and inviting them to come alongside you during this crazy reality singing show ride, if crucial. If Social Media crashed and burned, what would happen to all of your followers? Would you lose them? Have a system in place to capture these future music supporters.
Thinking long-term and preparing for the long game of your reality singing show journey is hands down the most important aspect of Maximizing your experience and getting the most out of it.
✔ Brianna’s 3-phase blueprint to slay your reality singing show experience from start to finish
✔ “Boss In The Making” Strategies that will help you leverage the reality singing show platform as a launchpad for your music career.
✔ Insight and top tips from past reality singing competition contestants and music industry professionals, so you can know what to expect.
✔ QR Code Technology that will make this book an interactive experience between you and Brianna.
So to recap on how to get past round one of a reality singing show audition, here are THREE TIPS TO GET THE MOST OUT OF YOUR REALITY SINGING SHOW EXPERIENCE:
Set Your Intention Moving Into The Experience, And Start With Why
Check Your Ego at The Door - RSS’s are Equal Opportunity
Get Your Music Business Ducks In A Row
Preparation is a foundational key to success and through this confidence, you can position yourself to make an impression that creates future opportunities.
Rooting for you always!

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Brianna Ruelas is a Dallas Based Strategy Consultant for Performing Artists, Reality TV Music Coach, Singer-Songwriter and Best Selling Author to Make Reality TV Your Reality: Crush Your Reality Singing Show Audition & Ignite Your Music Career. Most recently, Brianna produced the one and only, Reality Singing Show Summit. As a singer and performer for thirty years, Brianna has studied internationally and performed all genres, from jazz to rock to pop, received a BA in Theatre Arts from Pepperdine University, and spent years honing her musical theatre chops. After graduating college, Brianna departed from the theatre to pursue music as a solo artist and also worked as a commercial voiceover actor. Brianna has fronted her own rock band and experienced the reality television craze in its early days, as a Top 100 finalist on American Idol, Season 4. Brianna's expertise and background as a Singer/Songwriter, Vocal & Performance Coach and Small Business Owner, led her to mentor and consult with indie artists and bands, to help them realize successful careers in music. She is passionate about encouraging others on their journey and aligning them with the Big Picture of their Music Business! Seeking solutions is part of Brianna's DNA. Brianna is a proud Wife and Mother, Creator of the Female Performing Artist Connection & Every Mom’s Story Blog and works alongside her husband managing the operations and marketing for their Dallas family restaurant, Victor Hugo’s. Follow her on Instagram & Facebook @briannaruelasmusic |
PS: Got an Audition coming up? Schedule your Audition Power Pack TODAY, and spend three full private sessions online prepping for your next reality singing show audition. Inside these value-packed sessions, you’ll:
Get Clear On The Perfect Song Choice To Make You Shine
Craft Your Compelling Brand Story to Pitch with Your Authentic Voice
Level Up Through Performance Support & Feedback On Your Audition Material
Working with a coach is the quickest way to achieving the results you’re after! 💜 Contact me today or head over to my scheduling site to book your first session today.
Follow Brianna on Instagram or Facebook @briannaruelasmusic and take her Quiz her HERE! You can also find her over on Grit Daily News