3 Questions To Ask Before Your Reality Singing Show Audition
If you’re no stranger to auditioning for performance and music career opportunities, then you’ve probably learned the hard way that rejection is part of the game. It can take multiple attempts and even years of consistent effort to land any gig.
It’s no different in the reality singing show competition world and getting through to the first round is often the hardest. It can be frustrating when you’ve auditioned what feels like countless times and you’re still battling to get noticed.
In most scenarios, your first round of auditions for a reality singing show are in front of casting producers for whichever show you’re vying for. To clarify, these are not the Executive Producers of the show who are the big dogs, making the big decisions.
It’s critical to make a solid impression on casting producers because A. you want to be memorable, and B. often, they are cast for multiple shows so if you’re not right for this opportunity, you never know what they will keep you in mind for.
So if it feels like Groundhog Day at every audition, below are three important questions you can ask yourself to ensure you’re positioning yourself for a successful audition experience.
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Question #1: Why Do I Want This In the First Place?
What’s your real motivation?
Having a very clear vision of what you want and why you want it, is the most foundational step you can take to realize the life you want.
Your “Why” must be compelling and emotional, the kind of stuff that will keep you in the “game” when the going gets tough, or when rejection is kicking you in the gut for the umpteenth time.
Attaching real emotion to your WHY as you feel deep in your bones how amazing you’ll feel once you’ve realized your goals and dreams, will lead to your development of grit and perseverance.
The entertainment industry is a long game and although success looks different to everyone, those with a commitment to not quitting are the ones who come out on top.
Having a strong connection to your WHY will fuel your hunger to bring your best, and that energy will translate to casting producers.
QUESTION #2: Whose Help Did I Enlist To Ensure My Audition Material Is Top-Notch?
Hint, if you’re relying on you and you alone to affirm that not only your song choice, but your performance is on point, this could be the number one culprit for your lack of success thus far.
Investing in your future success by hiring a vocal coach or consultant can often feel scary, but if the opportunity ahead could change the trajectory of your career in a big way, why wouldn’t you enlist support from a professional?
All successful coaches, athletes, performers, and entrepreneurs hire coaches. Having outside perspective and guidance from an expert, and from someone other than your mom or best friend, will fuel you with confidence and focus, so you can bring your best.
QUESTION #3: Am I In My Head?
It’s impossible to bring your A-game to an audition when you’re all up in your head, un-focussed, and not having fun. Your energy is critical and casting producers can sniff out an artist who’s not ready or not into it.
When you’re having fun, they’re having fun and the bottom line is, producers know you’re nervous. Nerves are normal, but their job is to cast an entertainment television show, and ultimately, your job is to entertain.
Your mindset is key to your success, so if the narrative floating around your head is negative, full of self-doubt, or focused on anything other than having a great time while you smash your audition, expect a sub-par performance resulting in a similar response from casting producers.
The preparation that stems from question two above, in addition to paying attention to your belief system, will help you execute with ease on audition day (versus questioning whether you’ll forget the words again).
Be aware of the words floating around your mind and coming out of your mouth. How are you encouraging yourself? What phrases do you repeat often?
Believe with all your heart you are capable of success and feel it with every fiber of your being.
✔ Brianna’s 3-phase blueprint to slay your reality singing show experience from start to finish
✔ “Boss In The Making” Strategies that will help you leverage the reality singing show platform as a launchpad for your music career.
✔ Insight and top tips from past reality singing competition contestants and music industry professionals, so you can know what to expect.
✔ QR Code Technology that will make this book an interactive experience between you and Brianna.
Getting cast on a reality singing show takes more than talent. You must balance tenacity and grit with personality, song choice, and energy!
When you prepare strategically and ask the right questions, you can be the complete package.
Rooting for you always!

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Brianna Ruelas is a Dallas Based Strategy Consultant for Performing Artists, Reality TV Music Coach, Singer-Songwriter and Best Selling Author to Make Reality TV Your Reality: Crush Your Reality Singing Show Audition & Ignite Your Music Career. Most recently, Brianna produced the one and only, Reality Singing Show Summit. As a singer and performer for thirty years, Brianna has studied internationally and performed all genres, from jazz to rock to pop, received a BA in Theatre Arts from Pepperdine University, and spent years honing her musical theatre chops. After graduating college, Brianna departed from the theatre to pursue music as a solo artist and also worked as a commercial voiceover actor. Brianna has fronted her own rock band and experienced the reality television craze in its early days, as a Top 100 finalist on American Idol, Season 4. Brianna's expertise and background as a Singer/Songwriter, Vocal & Performance Coach and Small Business Owner, led her to mentor and consult with indie artists and bands, to help them realize successful careers in music. She is passionate about encouraging others on their journey and aligning them with the Big Picture of their Music Business! Seeking solutions is part of Brianna's DNA. Brianna is a proud Wife and Mother, Creator of the Female Performing Artist Connection & Every Mom’s Story Blog and works alongside her husband managing the operations and marketing for their Dallas family restaurant, Victor Hugo’s. Follow her on Instagram & Facebook @briannaruelasmusic |
PS: If you have a reality singing show performance coming up, don’t forget to register for the REALITY SINGING SHOW BOOTCAMP, taking place June 7-11th. REGISTER for FREE HERE!
You can also schedule your Audition Prep session TODAY, so you can deliver a confident audition and know what to expect! Can’t wait to support and help you create success in your music career!
Follow Brianna on Instagram or Facebook @briannaruelasmusic and grab her Reality Singing Show Audition Checklist HERE!